


Fortinet FC-10-FVE22-247-02-12


Fortinet FortiVoice Enterprise-20E2 License 1 YR 24×7 FortiCare FC-10-FVE22-247-02-12




Original price was: $300.00.Current price is: $280.00.





Product Detail

  • 24×7 Support, Advanced Hardware Replacement (NBD), Firmware and General Upgrades
  • Manufacturer Part: FC-10-FVE22-247-02-12
  • The license contract is delivered via e-mail within 1-2 business days
  • New/Renewal License for FortiVoice Enterprise-20E2
  • Fortinet designed support and subscriptions to be continuous. When a customer does not renew by the expiration date, then a lapse in the service period occurs

This license is for the 24×7 FortiCare Contract Subscription Contract for the Fortinet FortiVoice Enterprise-20E2 Model

As networks and security infrastructure continue to expandand grow, enterprises or service providers are looking for adefensive architecture that can scale and incorporate thevariety of products and information needed to combat todayâ€slatest threat landscape. Fortinet offers security solutionsthat cover the largest and most targeted threat vectors.Our Security Fabric ties all of these components togetherproviding enterprises or service providers with a seamless andintegrated security posture. We know security infrastructure iscritical to your business success and also to your customersand partners. Interruptions to business applications can resultin a loss of productivity and revenue and can quickly impactcustomer confidence

FortiCare Support Services

✅ FortiCare 8×5 Service – Provides access to technical support via the web portal, online chat system, and telephone,including return and replace for hardware failures.
✅ FortiCare 24×7 Service – Includes access to technical support on a 365x24x7 basis as well as an advancedreplacement service for hardware failures.
✅ FortiCare 360 Service -includes all of the services thatFortiCare 24×7 service offers, plus providing customers witha recurring health check through a personalized monthlyaudit report of their FortiGate and FortiWiFi appliances.


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